Recommendations for preventing Covid-19

Learn how to protect yourself to prevent contagion.


En este curso conocerás la información más relevante sobre el Covid-19 y las nuevas variantes. Además, aprenderás sobre las recomendaciones para el cuidado óptimo en el día a día.

Duration: 1 hour

Course Contents

  1. Introductory video
  2. Theoretical course:
    • TOPIC 1: Important aspects
      • Definition
      • Symptoms
      • Transmission routes
      • Variants
      • Vaccines
      • Exercise 1
    • TOPIC 2: Preventive measures
      • Steps for optimal care
      • Cleaning
      • Proper handwashing
      • Proper use of masks
      • Exercise 2
  3. Interactive exercise
  4. Summary
  5. Final evaluation
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Important: The maximum number of seats that can be purchased through our website is 5. If you want to purchase more seats, please send us an email at

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