Fire Prevention and Extinguishing

Identify general aspects of fire prevention and extinguishing, the classification and use of fire extinguishers, as well as the functions of employees in a contingency plan.


Learn about the roles and functions of employees, the general sequence of response to an incident, and the use of portable fire extinguishers if necessary.

Course Contents

  1. Initial reflection, objectives, and thematic content
  2. TOPIC 1: General aspects of fire prevention and extinguishing
    1. Causes of fires
    2. Brigades and the profile of a firefighter
    3. Responsibilities of the brigade
    4. Definition of fire
    5. Fire and combustion
    6. Behavior of fire
    7. Methods of fire propagation
    8. Methods of fire extinguishment
    9. The function of fire extinguishers
    10. Workshop 1
  3. TOPIC 2: Fire classification and use of extinguishers
    1. Classes of fire
    2. Types of extinguishers
    3. Steps for using a fire extinguisher
    4. Pictograms
    5. Location and signage
    6. Workshop 2
  4. TOPIC 3: Fire Contingency Plan
    1. Before the occurrence of an event
    2. During the occurrence of an event
    3. Recommendations
    4. Workshop 3
  5. Summary and farewell
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