How has e-learning evolved in Peru over the past year? Benefits, challenges, and improvements in the virtualization of courses and training


Undoubtedly, e-learning has come to stay. This powerful tool has been a great alternative for companies that need to optimize resources in terms of time and costs while increasing productivity.

It is important to start this article by reflecting on its evolution in the past year and its limitations in the face of the pandemic. The following were the obstacles:


  1. Lack of knowledge and confidence in the methodology by many companies and institutions.
  2. Limitations of internet access outside of cities, such as low bandwidth. The demand from people working and studying remotely was not supported.
  3. Lack of regulations and guidelines from competent authorities.
  4. Lack of good e-learning providers. Some providers had no instructional design methodology and created poorly didactic materials that did not achieve learning objectives, resulting in a negative user experience. e-learning. Ciertos proveedores no tenían ninguna metodología de diseño instruccional y elaboraban materiales poco didácticos que no lograban los objetivos de aprendizaje: la experiencia del usuario se volvió negativa.


Given these limitations, we had only one path: to overcome them and understand the goals set to position ourselves as an important support for companies. The challenges overcome were:


  1. Lack of confidence and knowledge about the methodology. Many companies and institutions learned about e-learning and included it in their training programs.
  2. Technology has also improved, but there is still much to be done, especially in remote provinces in Peru.


From this, we can identify two important benefits:


  1. E e-learning has given companies and educational institutions the possibility to continue training their personnel. Education, in most cases, did not stop.
  2. Within the e-learningindustry, there was an exponential increase in demand.


Based on this, we ask ourselves: Is e-learning an option, an alternative, or a complement to face-to-face learning? We believe that all three points are valid, depending on the type of content. For example, most companies and institutions in the United States and Europe offer 100% virtual programs and, at the same time, blendedprograms that combine in-person and virtual training.

Honestly, we do not believe that there will be many programs that are exclusively face-to-face, as the advantages of e-learning are evident and apply to any subject. In the case of institutions, the most significant novelty for Peru could be the flipped classroom methodology, where the traditional frontal lecture is replaced with individual study time at home, and lessons become collaborative work labs managed by the teacher.

Therefore, we consider it important in this era of virtual knowledge to have this openness for employees or students, so that they can always have agility and knowledge at their fingertips.

On the other hand, in a globalized and fast-paced world like the one we live in today, the challenge we face at Captura is innovation. It is important for the provider to offer innovative products that have a high impact to achieve the same learning outcome in less time. We need to step out of our comfort zone and offer cutting-edge products such as virtual reality, 360-degree learning, and more.

Another important challenge is to reduce the participant dropout rate. This can be achieved by presenting not only innovative but also well-structured, timely, and motivating materials.

Finally, the government, together with all companies involved in the e-learningindustry, has the opportunity to close technological gaps, regulate virtual learning, and expand access to education, as the goal should be easily accessible education for all.

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